estremoz, portugal

In May 2016 Bart Drost spent four weeks as artist in residence at the Fondacion Obraz in Estremoz. He discovered an abandoned train station whose entrance was bricked up. This led to the project 'o teatro de passenger', in collaboration with fellow artists.


o teatro do passagem

In May 2016 Bart Drost spent four weeks as an artist in residence at the Foundation Obras, Estremoz, Portugal. Usual such periods are a source of inspiration for him and they promote the work ethic.  Although he didn't experience this residence as much inspiring , he succeeded to realize a fantastic project.
Why it was so uninspiring? It is a beautiful location, nature glitters and the property has a three-star level. That the weather was terrible bad (in ten days fell as much rain as in the year 2015!) may not be a reason, though this of course affects the general feeling of well being negative.
No, the lack of inspiration was more the fact that he experienced the residence as an isolated place, more or less as a  monastry. Of course, the area was gorgeous, with its rolling countryside, the ringing ringing sheep, satisfied grunting black pigs, storks and majestic meadows with plenty of colorful flowers. But where were the Portuguese? Bart had not the feeling he was spending my time in Portugal. Also  the on IKEA inspired decor of the houses did not contribute to an authentic Alentejo feeling.
That he still looks back on this work period with a very good feeling is mainly due to the fact that within fifteen minutes walk from the residence there was an old abandoned train station. During a walk on the second day of my stay he saw that half ruined, half bricked building and he knew immediately that this would be the place where he had to do 'something'.
Since then he worked for three weeks continuously on the project that finally would be named 'o teatro de passagem'.


breaking the walls

Everytime again it?s the same strange story:  you go somewhere completely blank, no idea what to do and then suddenly 'you see the light.  That iss what also this time happened to me on the second day of my residence at Obras. We walked along through those beautifull flowery meadow - no man to see - and suddenly at the left there was an old abonded railway station. Immdeiatly I fell in love with it?
 And then right away, like a waterfall the ideas and images well in me, even a title shows up. In a way that is so strong that the project in my head is already finished. To realize it looks like a piece of cake.
As you see the station has five doors. Two of them are open, three are stone-bricked and plastered. In the left door you see a small hole: someone tried to look inside?
But when you can make a hole in it to look inside, why not breaking down the whole wall!
So I decided to re-open the train station and to give it a new function: let this old abandoned train station be a platform where the arts can grow and flourish. In fact I continued the project I started in my own studio in my hometown Nijmegen. In days where the arts are dismissed as unnecessary and superfluous ? because they are not  of any commercial interest ? I initiated MAAS, a place where artists can develop and experiment their new ideas, show art works that no gallery or museum is
interested in.


making the murals

Breaking  down the brick walls in the doors of the railway station was just part one of the whole project. Of course one had his doubts: will and can he really do this? Because it takes a lot of energy and time.
Well, demolishing the doors took almost three hours each and a lot of powerfull blows with a sledgehammer. And of course a couple of days to clear away the debris and to clean everything that it looks like it was never been otherwise.
May 15th I started to build up again.
The four rooms of the station (the 4th and 5th door lead into one big space) had to be 'restyled'. I decided to make in each of them one mural that covered an entire wall.
After six days I had painted over 60.000 little blue 'wavelets' by hand on the walls and the work was finished.
The four rooms each have his own character: from the left to the right: room 1 has three layers of blue, room 2 two layers, room 3 one layer and in room 4 on the mural one small detail of the painting in room 4 is hugely enlarged.
On a wall in the fourth room I finally signed a kind of summary table, which showed how many wavelets I painted one certain wall in a day.


celebrating the art!

At the end of the residence and as a kind of tribute to the abandonded train station Bart Drost invited his collegue residence artists to contribute to a small show.

"We could make a beautiful late afternoon together,with spectacle, eat drink and ? who knows ? visitors. (At least there will beno art critics, gallery owners or other big ones from the art scene, so you canfeel free to do whatever you want!)."

With the theme in mind 'passagem' (everything is passing by) the artists made their own piece of art and shared it with each other.

Josef Kleindienst, who wrote special for this occasion the short play 'at the station' and forced me to be an actor for eight minutes.
Kris Williamson, who wrote special for this occasion four new 'ugly poems' and recited them more than ones, for each visitor personally.
Ingrid Simons, who succeeded to find a crazy act in the way she showed her video 'morte do sol' by turning the audience into living sculptures.
Regan Hagas, who composed for this occasion the song 'Time' and played the cello with love. Thanks a lot for being the co-star in the play.
Tim Pettit, who made a sound scape for the railway station and who was the perfect musical partner in the jamsessions with Regan.


the book

In May 2016 Bart Drost spent four weeks as an artist in residence at the Foundation Obras in Estremoz, Portugal. During a walk on the second day of his stay he discovered an old abandoned railway station, half ruined, half bricked and he knew immediately that this would be the place for his new project. Since then he worked for three weeks continuously on a place where you can travel in your mind, in your imagination and that finally would be named: 'o teatro de passagem'.

Drost invited his fellow residents to participate in his project: "A theater needs a program and artists who will do acts. Therefore I ask you all to be willing to participate in the show. We could make a beautiful late afternoon together, with spectacle, eat, drink and ? who knows ? visitors. It would be great if you could give a tribute to the theater show: maybe you can dance, read, make music, do a performance (There will be no art critics, gallery owners or other big ones from the art scene, so you can feel free to do whatever you want).

In this book an overview of the works and the show, some fb-messages, e-mails to the homefront, snapshots and a short history about the wavelets in Drosts artworks.

For a digital version klick here

edited in 2016

full collor digiprint

100 pages, glued

text in English

Euro 15.00

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'Erwin' by Josef Kleindienst

The special thing about the artists in an Artist Residencies is that there is often a wide variety of nationalities present. This occasionally causes some confusion in communication. Bart Drost asked the author Josef Kleindienst (from Vienna) to write a short story and then divide this story into five texts for five artists. They each read their text in their own language. To understand the entire story, the audience had to talk to each other after the reading.

1 - Bart Drost - Dutch

Een man met een buikje eniets dunner wordend haar zat de krant te lezen. Erwin propte zijn tas in hetbagagevak. Toen hij ging zitten, knikte de man naar Erwin. Erwin knikte ook. Deman nam Erwin een tijdje op en las toen verder. Erwin vroeg zich af wat de manvan beroep was, maar hij kwam er niet uit.
"Waar gaat uheen?" wilde de vreemdeling plotseling weten.
"Naar Innsbruck", antwoordde Erwin.
 "Woont u daar? '
Erwin schudde zijn hoofd.
'Heeft u er een vriendin? "
Opnieuw schudde Erwin zijn hoofd.
'Wat doet u daar dan? "
Erwin zei niets. Met de armen over elkaar zat hij in zijn stoel. De man haaldeeen blikje bier uit zijn jaszak en opende het. Hij nam een ??slok en keek weer naar Erwin.
"Erg spraakzaam bent u niet."
Erwin reageerde niet. Hij dacht er aan van compartiment te veranderen.
'En hebt u een vriendin in Innsbruck? ",vroeg Erwin plotseling. De mankeek naar Erwin. Toen lachte hij.
"Wat heet één, twee heb ik daar. Eentje ik heb in Wiener Neustadt, deander in Wels. Elke week een nieuw geluk. "
Erwin was verbijsterd. Hij had nog nooit een man ontmoet met zoveelvriendinnen. Aan de buik van de man kon het niet liggen. Misschienblufte hij gewoon.
2  - Tim Pettit - English

"Andwhere do you meet these girls?" Erwin asked him.
The mansipped his beer and shook the can. When he was sure that it was empty, he threwit in the trash.
"Onthe Internet. It's the easiest way."
Erwin hadheard that you could meet women from the Internet but hadn't ever tried.
"Andit is that simple?" Erwin queried.
"Mostcouples meet each other on the Internet nowadays."
Erwinreconsidered buying a computer.
"Ifyou want, I can write down the Internet address for you."
BeforeErwin could reply, the man pulled out a pen from his jacket and wrote somethingon the newspaper. He tore a strip off and handed it to Erwin. It
"Justlog in and off you go." The man looked at Erwin, satisfied.
"Andit doesn't cost anything?"
Erwin putthe strip of paper in his wallet.
"Youdon't even need to get married," the man added.
"Whatdo you do on such a date?"
"Fritz,"the man introduced himself and explained that it varied on a case to casebasis. "Usually you just have coffee together and then go your separateways."

 3 - Kris Williamson - Bahasa Malaysia

"Kadang-kadang bolehtetapi kadang-kadang dia bawa kau ke rumahnya dan hidangkan wain atau brandy.Dan sudah tentu kau kena tidur di sana. Keesokan harinya, ia dah habis, tapikau tidak dibenarkan tinggal lama-lama di situ jadi baik kau segera pulangselepas bangun. Lebih kurang macam tu."
 "Sudah lama tuan buatperniagaan ini?" tanya Erwin. Dia makin tertarik untuk mendengar ceritalelaki itu. Lelaki itu mengeluarkan sekeping gambar seorang wanita cantikberambut perang yang menaiki basikal dari dalam dompetnya.
 "Namadia Uschi, dari Wiener Neustadt."
 Dia menunjukkan sekeping lagi gambar, kali iniseorang wanita berambut gelap pula.
 "Dan nama dia Gerda dariBischofshofen."
 Erwin kagum. Kalaulah dia terjumpa lelaki ini ditengah jalan, tentu dia tak kan menyangka lelaki itu mempunyai seorang temanwanita.
 Apatah lagi sekarang ada dua pula, walaupunbentuk badannya seperti tong wain. Erwin yakin dia juga mampu untuk mendapatseorang teman wanita dari Internet. Pintu dibuka, seorang wanita muda bertubuhkurus dengan membawa sangkar anjing memasuki kompartmen itu.
 "Kerusi nimasih belum bertuan?" soalnya dengan suara yang rendah.
 "Silahkan," jawablelaki itu.

 4 - Luís - Portugese

 A mulher sentou-se junto de Erwin. Colocou a caixa de transporte com o cãona cadeira à sua frente.
"Que cão mais bonito, como se chama o pequeno?", perguntou Fritz,enfiando os dedos na grelha. "Kasimir" respondeu a mulher.
"Um nome curioso para um cão", respondeu o homem, retirando osdedos.
Erwin tinha medo de cães, mas Kasimir parecia inofensivo, e Erwin gostavada mulher.
"Tem um belopelo", disse Erwin. Ohomem olhou para Erwin.
"E tem os dentes muito bonitos", disse Erwin.
"Obviamente é um especialista em cães", disse o homem. Erwinlembrou-se que o touro de reprodução do seu vizinho também se chamava Fritz.Será que havia uma relação entre o nome e o destino?, pensou Erwin.
"Desde sempre," mentiu Erwin.
"A sério?", disse a mulher, sorrindo para Erwin.
"Nematóides", disse Erwin, lembrando-se de repente do cão dovizinho que acabou por morrer do mesmo. Durante muito tempo não conseguirapronunciar a palavra. Mas agora saiu-lhe facilmente dos lábios."Nematóides" ele repetiu.
"O que é isso?", perguntou o homem.
"Uma infecção causada por vermes, absolutamente mortal."

5 - Josef Kleindienst - German

Die Frau schaute ihn entsetzt an. Erwin warsofort klar, dass er etwas Falsches gesagt hatte.
?Aber er hat überlebt. Ein kleines Wunder, hatder Tierarzt gemeint", fügte er schnell hinzu. Der Blick der Frau hellte sichwieder auf. In Wirklichkeit war der Hund innerhalb von drei Tagen elendigzugrunde gegangen. Damals hatte er sich darüber gefreut, weil der Sohn desNachbarn ihn oft verprügelt hatte. Erwin blickte zum Hund, der sichniedergelegt hatte. Man hörte sein leises Röcheln.
?Wohin fahren Sie?", fragte Erwin die Frau.
?Innsbruck. Sie auch?"
Erwin nickte. Er war noch nie in Innsbruckgewesen. Ihm fiel die Skisprungschanze ein, die er zu Neujahr immer imFernsehen sah. Vielleicht konnte er sie besichtigen. ?Die Sprungschanze istdoch in Innsbruck?"
Die Frau schaute ihn an.
?Ja, die ist neu. Besucher können mit demAufzug ganz nach oben fahren. Die Aussicht von dort ist einzigartig."
Erwin war als Kind von den in die Tiefesegelnden Skispringern immer fasziniert gewesen. Der Zug glitt durch dieLandschaft. Der Mann war, müde vom Bier, eingeschlafen. Ab und zu schnarchte erein wenig.

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Bart Drost

free artist

Graafseweg 183a
6531ZR Nijmegen
The Netherlands